• Coaching Agreement

    Elizabeth Oing, Mindset Coach
  • This Agreement is made by and between Elizabeth Oing, Mindset Coach and ("Client") whereby Elizabeth Oing ("Coach") agrees to provide coaching services. Because people are individual and unique, there can be no guarantees or assurances regarding the outcome of any treatment, and Client therefore agrees that Coach accepts no liability in this regard. The above-named client will sign and affirm this agreement for .

    Violation of these terms may include termination of the previously agreed upon programs, sessions or coaching. If termination of previous agreement has occurred you will receive a refund for the average price for the session, package or coaching of unfulfilled sessions minus the difference of any discounted offers and fulfilled sessions.

  • The services from Coach are not offered as a substitute for mental health care. The services, in accordance with acquired training* and experience, are non-diagnostic, and are complementary to the healing arts services that are licensed by the state. Coach is not acting as a doctor, psychotherapist, or licensed medical professional. Client understands and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her well being during sessions, and subsequently, including his/her choices and decisions. Client understands that all comments and ideas offered by Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding Client in achieving his/her defined goals.

    *Training utilizes interviews, discussion, and hypnotic methods dealing with underlying issues whenever appropriate, with the goal of achieving effective and lasting results. The therapeutic use of hypnosis can help clients discover their inner creative abilities to develop positive thinking and feeling and to transform undesirable habits and behavior patterns, and also elicit information and insights from the inner mind. Therapeutic goals are to achieve freedom from restrictive thought and belief systems, to assist in solving personal problems, developing motivation and achieving goals.

  • Client Responsibilities

    * 1. You understand it is your responsibility to notify Coach at least 48 hours in advance of a need to change scheduled sessions. Coach will attempt in good faith to reschedule the missed session; she reserves the right to bill you for the missed session, especially if cancelled within 48 hours.
    * 2. You agree to be on time to all scheduled sessions. 15 minutes late or more without notice will be considered a late cancellation and a late cancellation charge may apply.
    Understand that emergencies do happen and may interfere with a scheduled session. These include a serious illness, injury and or death of yourself or a close friend or family member. Also including natural disasters like floods, power outages, and severe storms (acts of God). In which cases there will be no late cancellation charge incurred.
    *3. If we have agreed to a payment plan you agree that payments will be paid a minimum of 24hrs before the next scheduled appointment. Failure to do so may result in cancelled appointment and late-cancellation fee.
    * 4. You will do your best to provide an environment free of distractions. If possible and reasonable have all two and four-legged creatures in a separate room while in session. Shut off or silence all signal-receiving devices that may interfere with the focused attention of a session. These include computer alerts, cellphones, tablets, smartwatches, and radios.
    * 5. You understand that a successful transformation is a co-creation of change and not the sole responsibility of either the coach or the client. Consequently, you are requested to be fully present to the best of your ability at each session, and complete any assigned tasks and/or exercises regardless of how strange or uncomfortable they may appear.
    * 6. You agree that the duration of a coaching program is based on available information during the consultation and that in rare cases more sessions may be needed to be added in order to accomplish the desired outcome. This may happen due to important aspects of care that neither you or the coach were aware of at the time of consultation. If this were to occur, you would have the option to continue care at the same average per session rate as was previously agreed to in the original coaching agreement.

  • Coach Responsibilities

    * 1. I will bring my years of study and experience in coaching, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, and other relevant modalities to assist you in effecting the change you are seeking.
    * 2. I agree to be on time to all scheduled appointments barring a personal, family or close friend illness, injury or death or an Act of God, like power outages, floods, and other severe weather.
    * 3. I will maintain the confidentiality of communications except in situations where legal statute requires appropriate authorities to be notified (which usually applies to criminal issues or issues of self harm). This includes but is not limited to audio, video, digital and physical written materials that are created during the coaching term. I agree not to share your image, likeness, or personal information without your prior written consent.
    * 4. I agree to protect and keep private audio and video recordings (and transcripts) of Zoom sessions and to allow access to no one other than myself (or an authorized member of a legal institution if required by law). I agree not to use in promotional material or other reasons without first obtaining your written consent.
    (Recordings are made for the sake of Coach's review and improving quality of care delivered)
    * 5. I agree to remember that there is no one size fits all and to be flexible enough to adapt care modalities to fit your individual needs and desires based on the feedback provided.
    * 6. I agree to be fully present for the time agreed upon for our sessions so I can bring the best of my resources, with notifications turned off. If, due to unforeseen life circumstances, I feel unable to maintain that agreement, I will communicate with you and reschedule or refund as necessary, whatever is agreed upon.

  • By signing this agreement on *, I, the above-named client, hereby acknowledge that I agree and understand all the terms and conditions of this agreement. * {input73:1597651382953-firstname} {input73:1597651382953-lastname}

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