The services from Coach are not offered as a substitute for mental health care. The services, in accordance with acquired training* and experience, are non-diagnostic, and are complementary to the healing arts services that are licensed by the state. Coach is not acting as a doctor, psychotherapist, or licensed medical professional. Client understands and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her well being during sessions, and subsequently, including his/her choices and decisions. Client understands that all comments and ideas offered by Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding Client in achieving his/her defined goals.
*Training utilizes interviews, discussion, and hypnotic methods dealing with underlying issues whenever appropriate, with the goal of achieving effective and lasting results. The therapeutic use of hypnosis can help clients discover their inner creative abilities to develop positive thinking and feeling and to transform undesirable habits and behavior patterns, and also elicit information and insights from the inner mind. Therapeutic goals are to achieve freedom from restrictive thought and belief systems, to assist in solving personal problems, developing motivation and achieving goals.